
Al-Mizan Conceptual Village

**This project has been associated to Kampung Mizan Initiative through Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment’s Mizan Home Project

Research members:

  1. Ar. Dr. Fadli Arabi
  2. Ar. Dr. Elina Mohd Husini
  3. Ar. Abu Bakar Ali
  4. Ar. Wan Norisma Wan Ismail
  5. Dr. Nor Haslina Jaafar (FKAB, UKM)


It is necessary to design a suitable village design development to emphasize the atmosphere of the village with more sense, character and enthusiasm (genius loci). The study proposes the concept of Mizan as a village development concept. What is Mizan? It is found in Surah Al-Rahman verses 7, 8, and 9 which means balance, or in the sense that it is ‘balance, justice and harmony’. According to Abu Bakar Yang (2016), from the Islamic perspective, “al-Mizan is a human method measured from good deeds and wrongdoing. Whereas from an engineering system perspective, it means that everything is in the right position in the system of equilibrium, or the whole system is required to maintain it in that position”.

In this context, the concept of al Mizan should be based on Islamic principles. Hence the development of the Village based on the concept of al Mizan will appreciate the principle of ‘balance’ through a balanced human lifestyle. The trick is to foster the concept of development characterized by simplicity and humility. The result of this concept will not only create the way of life of the Islamic environment, but also produce a great civilization.

How is the design of Kampung Mizan identified? Studies have identified nine physical elements that will shape the Kampung Mizan, ie movement patterns, images and structures, locations, scenery quality, historical significance, buildings, landscapes, land use and activities, space. Hence the balance of all aspects of the elements will be identified. This will form a balanced composition comprising physical, activity and spiritual / meaning which combines the character of Kampung Mizan (Figure below).


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